The story of every dreamer

Long back, when I was a student I always been so curious about new technology and always wanted to do innovation for the world but being busy in developing games I started losing my grades. In India, grades are the parameter to define the success of the young minds. It does not matter what innovation you are doing or what you are creating, what only matters is your grades. But my family always supported me yet they were comparing the grades with other children but still, inside they valued my work, my game development and others. When I passed my 10th standard, I got 80% and the people who get this much are supposed to be a science student so in the same flow, I also took science. I was always told that 10th is an important phase of my life but now 12th standard took that place. Everyone in my class, a bunch of smart students (except me) was now following the entrance exams namely NEET and JEE. So this is obvious for me to follow that too, leaving developing behind but inside I knew that this thing is not for me. After 2 or 3 months in 11th standard, I started losing my focus in studies since I was doing by forcing my mind and I again indulge myself into the entrepreneurial activities. There came a phase during that time when I found myself in the position that I started thinking that I was more interested in commerce since my love for science was the same as the love for commerce so I continued it. Anyhow, I managed to reach to 12th standard and now was forced by the surrounding to prepare seriously for the JEE and I did the same. Unfortunately, I didn’t make to any government college so I took admission in a private college. It seems sad Am I right? No, it is not. I left many things in the above story. I started developing ready to launch games at the age of 13 and then did freelancing at the age of 14. I started my first startup at the age of 16 and a third startup at the age of 17. Today, I am a Director of the company. Is my failure of not getting into IIT or any government college destroyed my life? The answer is NO. This is not only my story, the same happened to many who followed their dreams. My power to these things was the NO FEAR OF FAILURE and support of my family but I understand that no all parents are like this but what makes them believe on you is your determination toward that work.

If you want to follow your dreams with everyone’s approval, you have to pay the price for it. When we do something that we want to do, there is a price attached to it. This is the nature of life. There is a price or a tax to pay for everything you do. How much or what level of tax depends on how revolutionary your idea is. It is very unrealistic to think: “I want to do something but my father, my mother…” You must be glad they brought you into this world. Beyond that, do not complain. Your father and mother are doing what they know best. If you believe that you know something better than them, the first thing is to be able to convince them. But suppose they are not able to grasp what you are talking about, they will not be convinced. Then it comes down to how badly you want to do whatever you want to do. Is it worth going beyond their lines? If you decide it is so — that you anyway want to do it, no matter what the price is — you do it, but there will be a price. If you want to do what you want but there should be no price attached to it, there is no such life anywhere — not here, not anywhere.
People in your life will force you or it’s better to say suggest you, to follow something that they want instead of what you want. Now, you should know that are they right, you should ask yourself two questions, One is AM I HAVING ANY DREAMS OR I AM JUST PASSING MY LIFE? If the answer to this question is yes, I have dreams then ask yourself the second question, REALLY IT IS WORTH WHAT I WANT TO DO? and if the answer to this is also yes then you do whatever you want to do and keep following the path of your dream else you need to rethink with the suggestion given by the surrounding.
Just as humans have lusted after objects and money since the dawn of time, other humans have felt dissatisfaction at the relentless pursuit of money and fame and have instead focused on something bigger than their material wealth. This has over the years been described using many different words and practices, but always hearkening back to the central core of meaningfulness in life.
The problem for millions of people is that they stop being curious about new experiences as they assume responsibilities and build routines. Their sense of wonder starts to escape them.
But you can change that, especially if you are still looking for meaning and fulfilment in what you do daily. Following your passion, gives a beautiful flow to your life like a swan swimming over a beautiful lake. The value that one finds in their life or the things that make someone feel like their life is valuable, decreasing the depression and sorrow of life and making it more prosperous.
This note is for women- As creatives, and more than that — as women — we are so often our own worst enemies. We compare ourselves to others and when we see those around us doing better than ourselves, we can feel like failures. We quickly forget what we are working towards. We dismiss the journey we’re on. But knowing the thing that we want and following the passion, we can get back on our track.
Dreams are easy to see but hard to follow but when you will follow your dream you will feel the wisdom. You will start seeing the world with a different view, a better view.
If you are one who is forcing someone to do something or if you are a parent then you have to understand the dreams of your ward but if you think that they are on a wrong path, try to convince them but if it goes wrong to leave things on time. After paying the price, the price of nature everything will be fine. LET THE TAOISM ACT in life.
By Utkarsh Pandey